Monday, May 18, 2015

Recipe - Cookie time!

Hi there guys!

Zoals beloofd, het receptje! Gebasseerd op een recept van iemand anders (ik kan alleen niet meer vinden van wie, sorry, als je het enigszins herkent laat me weten dan geef ik je de credits!) maar sowieso met een kleine touch van Iris. Enjoy!

Ingrediƫnten (ik maakte er ong 14 kleine koekjes van):
50 gr havermout
50 gr havermoutmeel (ultrafine oats van body&fitshop)
1/4e banaan (omdat die over was, geprakt)
30 gr eiwitpoeder (ik gebruikte een halve scoop cookies&cream en een halve scoop banaan)
1 eetl bakpoeder
1 eetl kaneel
snufje zout
25 gr chocola/hagelslag
1 ei
1 eetl cacaonibs
40 ml water
handje cranberries/rozijnen

Verwarm de oven voor op ongeveer 180 graden (170 voor heteluchtoven). Mix de havermout, havermoutmeel, bakpoeder, banaan, kaneel en zout in een kommetje. Voeg hier het ei en het water aantoe. Verdeel dit deeg in 2 delen. Bij de ene helft voeg je het cookies&cream eiwitpoeder, de hagelslag (of chocola, hak dit dan klein) en cacaonibs toe. Bij de andere helft van het deeg voeg je het banaan eiwitpoeder en de cranberries (naar smaak) toe. 
Maak hier hoopjes (als je plakhanden wilt voorkomen gebruik twee eetlepels) op een stuk bakpapier. Bak binnen 10-15 minuten af, kijk even af en toe of het een beetje kleurt. Enjoy! Natuurlijk kun je variaties maken door de smaak eiwit poeder en toppings zoals hagelslag te veranderen!
Tag je me als je ze een keertje maakt (@iris2.0)? Of gebruik de hashtag #Iris2point0

Lovelovelove, Iris

As I promised, the recipe of the cookies! Based on someone else's recipe (I can't remember who - please let me know if you think it was yours and I will give you credits!) but with a little touch of Iris. Enjoy!

Ingredients (for about 14 little cookies):
50 gr steel cut oats
1/4e banana (because I had it left, mashed)
50 gr oatmeal flour (ultrafine oats from body&fitshop)
30 gr proteinpowder (I used half a scoop of cookies&cream & half a scoop of banana)
1 tablespoon bakingpowder
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Little bit of salt
25 gr chocolate(/chocolate sprinkles)
1 egg
1 tablespoon cacaonibs
40 ml water
Handful of cranberries/raisins

Preheat the oven on 180 degrees. Mix the steel cut oats, oatmeal flour, banana, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Add the egg and water. Cut the dough into two part. In one part, add the cookies&cream protein powder, the chocolate (cut into pieces) and cacaonibs. Add the banana protein powder and cranberries (to taste) to the other part of dough.
Make the cookies with two tablespoons on a piece of baking powder and bake for 10-15 minutes. Just watch them until they turn darker. Enjoy!
Of course you don't need to use the same flavour of protein powder nor do you need to use the same kind of adds. Try it out and let me know if you made them, and if you made variations with what! Tag me (@iris2.0) or use #iris2point0 !

Lovelovelove, Iris

Friday, May 15, 2015

Even bakers fail sometimes

Hi there guys!

Oke, Nederlands dus! Even wennen. Maar vandaag wil ik het hebben over iets, waar veel mensen last van hebben. De angst voor bakken. Hoewel het tegenwoordig een grote hype is om zelf te bakken, zijn er nog steeds mensen erg bang voor. Ikzelf ben een bakster, ik hou van bakken en doe het zo vaak als het kan, maar er schijnen ook mensen niets aan te vinden. De keren dat ik "ach, de kunst is een goed recept hebben, ik doe daar weinig aan" zeg als ik een complimentje krijg over mijn bakkunsten zijn niet meer te tellen. Maar is dat wel zo? Ook zeggen foto's niet altijd iets. De keren dat ik foto's van mijn baksels op instagram (zowel op mijn fitaccount als op mijn persoonlijke) heb gegooid terwijl ze niet te eten waren, maar wel heel mooi (of andersom - dan halen ze vaak instagram niet terwijl ze ontzettend lekker waren!) zijn ook bijna niet meer te tellen.

Gisteren was het weer zover - bakavond. De avond dat ik eventjes lekker de keuken in duik en me overgeef aan nieuwe en oude receptjes. Gister stond de kwarktaart, waarvan het recept hier op de blog staat, koekjes (recept komt eraan!) en kwarkbollen van healthyfans op de planning. Twee nieuwe en een oud vertrouwd recept. Raar genoeg zijn juist de nieuwe recepten ontzettend goed uitgevallen (ga ze maken!) en het oude vertrouwde recept, wat de vorige keren juist zo goed ging, is mislukt. Zoals jullie kunnen zien ziet het er meer als... tsja... als een hoopje overgeefsel uit. Om het maar even onsubtiel te verwoorden. Lekker was het zeker, daar niet van, maar om nou te zeggen dat het een schoonheidsprijs verdient.... Nee, sorry. Dat niet.

Wat wil je nu duidelijk maken, Iris? Nou... zelfs bakkers kunnen falen. Zelfs mensen die er van houden om te bakken, die het vaak doen en zelfs met een recept waarvan je weet dat het moet lukken, kan mislukken. Dus als je dat lekkere recept ergens ziet staan? Probeer het gewoon! Wat kan er misgaan? Je kunt hooguit het moeten weggooien, maar anders mis je misschien wel een ontzettend lekkere (en wellicht gezonde) baksel, en de trots dat je iets lekkers/moois hebt neergezet!

Dus, bak, geniet, en geef niet op!

Lovelovelove, Iris

I'd like to talk to you guys about baking today. The fear of baking, to be more precise. These days, baking is a big hype but appearently there are still people who are afraid to bake something themselves. I am a baker, I love to bake, I do it whenever I can. The amount of times that I had to respond with "Oh no, it's not me, it's just the recipe!' when someone complimented me for my baking can't be counted. Also, the amount of pictures I posted of food I made that looked pretty while it didn't taste that great (or the other way around, the pictures I didn't post of food that was delicious but didn't look so great) also can't be counted.

As some of you may have seen on my instagram, yesterday it was baking night. Among the quark pie (that I already posted here), a new recipe of cookies (that I will post later) and the quark buns of healthyfans were on the menu. Surprisingly enough the two new recipes turned out great, but the old recipe.. Just no. As you can see on the picture... It doesn't deserve an award for it's beauty.

Get to the point Iris.... What I wanted to say is that even bakers fail. Even people who love ot bake, who do it a lot and who use a recipe that they have already used (and succeeded with) can fail. So why won't you just try? The worst thing that could happen is that you have to throw it away. But when it does work out... You will have a delicious (and healthy!) treat for yourself and the fact that you can be proud of yourself! So just do it! Don't give up!

Lovelovelove, Iris

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Motivation Lost?

Hi there guys!
Before I start this new blog, I'd like to make an announcement. I decided I will post in both Dutch and English from now on. From now on the blog will first be in Dutch, and then an English one underneath this. This is just something I'd like to try, I haven't made up my mind about if this will be a permanent thing. The Dutch part will be in italics, the English part in "normal".


Zo, een postje! Geen motivation monday vandaag, geen receptje, maar een gewone blog! Over motivatie. Want tsja, maandag is wel een motivation monday gepost... Maar waar blijft die motivatie?

De laatste weken heb ik vaak gedacht dat mijn motivatie terug was. Ja, er zijn opeens veel mensen die me inspireren. Inspireren in het meer leven van mijn leven, lichamen waar je u tegen zegt en me inspireren voor een workout, gezond eten dat lekker smaakt en zo veel beter voor me is... Maar waarom LUKT het dan niet? Wil ik niet genoeg? Kan ik het niet? Is het nu niet de tijd? Ik denk niet dat het probleem is dat ik het niet wil. Ik haat hoe het nu is en ik heb er ook echt schoon genoeg van. Ik kan het ook, dat weet ik zeker. Iedereen kan het, als je je maar genoeg inzet. Zou het dan toch gewoon niet de tijd zijn geweest?..

Ik denk dat dat het probleem is. Willen werken aan jezelf, aan een gezonder lichaam, en dan ook nog je school (met een niveau dat net iets boven je kunnen ligt) tegelijkertijd hendelen?... Nee, dat is misschien ook gewoon teveel gevraagd. Dat lukt niemand, dat is bijna onmogelijk. Maar wat dan? Waar moet ik mijn focus op leggen? Tot de zomer zit ik nog vol met lessen voor school. Gelukkig is het sinds twee weken iets rustiger, waardoor ik weer iets meer tijd heb. Deze tijd heb ik nu gebruikt om even bij te tanken - ik liep op mijn tenen en had het nodig. Maar ik ben er weer. Ik ben erachter gekomen dat ik het aan mezelf willen werken en een gezonder lichaam niet als iets afzonderlijks kan zien - als ik niet gezond bezig ben voel ik me niet mezelf en als ik niet aan mezelf werk verlies ik de motivatie om gezond te zijn. Het komende jaar zal school op een iets lager pitje staan, waardoor ik wat meer tijd heb voor mezelf. Eindelijk.

En dat is dus wat ik ga doen. Ik ga aan mezelf werken. Ik ga mijn best doen deze keer niet de motivatie te verliezen.

Wat doen jullie als je de motivatie verliest? Tips? Deel ze!

Lovelovelove, Iris

Hi there guys!

Another post. No motivation monday today, no recipe... But a blog! About motivation. Last Monday I posted a motivation monday but ... where did that motivation go?

The last few weeks I thought over and over that I finally had my motivation back. A lot of people came somehow in my life that inspired me to live my life more. Body's that are so pretty and well-trained that I want to jump up and go for that workout right away. Food that is so healthy and delicious at the same time... So why isn't it working out? (yes, a pun. I'm sorry!) Do I not want it enough, can't I do it, is it not the time now?... I don't think it's because I don't want it. I want it. I am DONE with living an unhealthy life, living in a body that doesn't feel like mine. I also don't think not being able to do it is a problem... Everyone can do it if they want it enough. Then maybe the time wasn't right?....

That's the problem. Combining school (which is a bit above my level), wanting to work on yourself and having a healthy life is a bit too much. But then what? Where should my focus be on? Until summer, there will be school. Since 2 weeks it's less stressful as before but it is still a big factor in my life. The time I had left in the last few weeks I spend on relaxing and myself - I needed it. But I'm back. I found out I can't see working on myself and having a healthy life as two separate things - when I am not living healthy I don't feel as myself and when I don't work on myself I loose my motivation to get healthy. The next year at school will be less hard, so I will have more time for myself. Finally.

So this is what I will do. I will work on myself. I will do everything I can to not loose my motivation this time.

What do you guys do when you loose your motivation? Do you have any tips? Tell me!

Lovelovelove, Iris

Monday, May 11, 2015


It is Motivation Monday again! Today I'd like to introduce you to another Dutchie (I'm sorry you internationals, I love you too, this is just a coincidence!), Laura!

With her own site, runninglau, she reaches a lot of people. She was the second fitaccount that I followed and she inspired me a lot. She still does. With her enthusiastic posts she keeps challenging you to get the best out of yourself too. With her smile, she keeps encouraging you to workout so you will get the same kind of smile on your face too. And that body... that definitely makes you want to work out too!

What I love about her is that she is honest and doesn't focus on the kind of workout itself - she wants you to feel good, to get those endorphines running through your body and to love your life. If you don't love your life, change it so you will love it! A day where you haven't laughed is a day that you didn't live - and that smile of her will make you want to smile too.

During this time that I followed her, she has grown and grown and I'm incredibly proud of her, even though I don't know her in person. Dear Lau, thank you for being a motivation and inspiration!

Follow her on instagram, facebook, twitter or on her blog. Or like I do, on all of them! Just do it!

Friday, May 1, 2015

May goals

Hi there guys

It's May already, can you believe it? This year is passing by so quickly! This makes me realize we have to make May count as much as possible because it's all going so fast!
April was a bit of a bad month for me, so most of my goals for this month are the same as the ones I had for April. Mostly the difference is that I have less goals for this month. Why? I found that last month when I had so many goals for myself, that also discouraged me and made me give up if I already missed 2 workouts. This month will be more about balance, and therefor my goals focus on both workouts as well as relaxing and finding out more about who I am.
I will post my goals underneath. For me it helps to know people know about my goals because I don't want to have to respond with "oh I quit them" when someone asks;)

Do you guys have any goals for this month? Let me know in the comments!
Love love love,

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Review - Protein Waffles from Body&FitShop

Hi there guys!

Today I will write in Dutch because I will do a review of a product from a Dutch site, body&fitshop.
Aangezien ik al meerdere keren gevraagd ben of de proteine wafelmix van body&fitshop aan te raden was of niet. Vandaar deze review!

Afgelopen verjaardag heb ik van een paar lieve vriendinnetjes een wafelijzer gekregen. Eentje die enorm schattige hartjes maakt (aanrader, dat maakt het ontbijt al meteen zo veel leuker!) en iets waar ik al heel erg lang naar uitkeek nadat ik steeds meer overheerlijke gezonde wafelfoto's op instagram zag langskomen.
Iemand wees me erop dat de body & fitshop een eiwit wafelmix had (1000 gram voor 8,50). Aan deze mix hoef je alleen 160 ml water bij 2 scheppen (met het meegeleverde schepje) mix toe te voegen. Super handig! Kijk alleen wel uit dat de mix niet te waterig wordt, dat werd het bij mij vandaag en dan komt er geen mooie wafel uit. Dit is overigens makkelijk op te lossen door er gewoon wat meer poeder bij te voegen.
De smaak is prima, heerlijke wafels en nog heerlijker met welke topping die je maar wilt. De smaak is heel fijn neutraal, waardoor je zo creatief met toppings kunt zijn als je wilt. Een beetje jammer daardoor is wel dat je altijd dezelfde smaak hebt, terwijl als je gewoon een recept volgt en hier eiwitpoeder aan toevoegd, je ook andere smaken wafels kunt maken door andere smaakjes eiwitpoeder toe te voegen (en daar komen de zakjes met verschillende smaakjes eiwitpoeder van de body&fitshop dan weer goed van pas!), Bij een gewoon recept heb je alleen wel het gedoe van afmeten, eierschalen, van alle ingrediƫnten een beetje... Bij deze mix is het twee scheppen en wat water en klaar. Zeker een aanrader dus, maar het is ook zeker te doen met een receptje met eiwitpoeder erin!

Heb je nog vragen over deze mix, of over een ander product? Laat het me weten!

Lovelovelove, Iris

Monday, April 27, 2015

#MotivationMonday - Sophie

Hi there guys!

Although it's been a bit quiet on this blog for the last 2 weeks (internal struggles, sorry. But I'm back!) it's time for another #MotivationMonday and today it's time to introduce you guys to the reason why I started to get interested in a healthy lifestyle - Sophie.

I met Sophie a few years ago because we both liked the same artist. After a while I started to follow her fit account, something I had never heard about before. She posted recipes, runs, workouts... And made me think. Made me jealous. Made me want to do it too. Being insecure, I didn't so I kept looking at it with jealousy. But the more she posted, the more I wanted it too. So I did, with baby steps. Because of her I learned about the fitworld, about how eating healthy and working out makes you not only look better but most of all feel better. Because of her I am feeling so much better now and I am thankful for that.

Sophie is such an enthusiastic person that even when you don't feel like it, she will be able to convince you to go for that workout, go for that run or go for that delicious healthy food. On her instagram (go follow her, @sophealthy) she posts her foods, workouts and other inspiration. She is one really good reason to start with Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide because if you look at her pictures you want to start immediately too. With pictures of her food that so pretty (seriously, I get hungry the moment I see those pictures!), a body that inspires so much (if you do not get inspired by that body to work out I honestly don't know what will inspire you) and an attitude that brightens the whole room (she is one of the sweetest people I know) you should definitely follow her. Go do it. Go for it. Click on this link. You know you want it. Now go do it.

Love love love, Iris

Monday, April 13, 2015

#MotivationMonday - Isa Hoes

#Motivation Monday

From now on, Motivation Monday is a thing on my blog! Every other Monday I’ll have (or I will try to have, don’t pin me down on this) a person that is a personal motivation to me that I will share with you. These can be other bloggers, Instagram-users, people I know personally,  celebrities, Dutch or international… It doesn’t matter, as long as they are motivating me in some way.

Today I kick #MotivationMonday off with a Dutch actress, Isa Hoes. I personally met her a few weeks ago and that evening inspired me so much that I’d like to talk to you guys about her, even though she is Dutch. She became famous here about 20 years ago when she played a role in the first Dutch soap, Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden. She met her husband here, Antonie Kamerling. After this she did a lot of tv series, plays and other works. She also got two children with her husband. Almost 5 years ago, Antonie decided to take his own life. After a while she wrote a book about her life with him, which, surprisingly, is more of a love story between two people that love each other rather than about the depression itself. That is one of the reasons why the book hit me so hard. You know how it ends, you know what will happen and during the book all you can think is “Please let it end differently, these two people love each other so much..”

A few weeks ago I went to the book signing/ book reading of this book. When Isa entered the room, the room filled itself with positivity and energy. There was something about her, that inspired me the moment she walked in. The way she stands in life, her positivity, her energy that just screams she tries to make the best out of life, inspires me. It makes me want to enjoy life like that too, to search for all the beautiful things in life and enjoy them to the fullest. This is still one of my weaknesses, I tend to let my stress and failures take over from all the beauties in life. This is also the case in fitness & health – I tend to let every failure, every binge eating and things like that take over and then I get so mad at myself that I stop all the good things I do. Right now I have a picture frame with the picture of us in my room with the text “Have a beautiful day” to remind myself that there are so many beautiful things in life and that, like her, I should choose to see the beauty of it every single day.

Do you guys have any motivating people in your life? Let me know in the comments below or Instagram me with #Iris2point0 or tag me with @iris2.0. I love to get inspired!


Ps. Another reason for her to be motivation? That body, at her age... Just wow! Definitely motivation there!
Pps. Want to see her? Her movie, De Ontsnapping, will be in the Dutch cinema's at the end of April. I already saw the movie and it is a-ma-zing! Go see it!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Healthy Breakfast Cheesecake

Hi there beauties!

Oh my gosh you guys, this morning was such a good morning. And not because my whole morning was spend studying (so not cool, school, so not cool) but because I got the best breakfast ever. That's right, you heard me. Best. Breakfast. Ever. And easy too! Best thing about it? I didn't have to feel guilty at all! It was basically what I always eat for breakfast, but then shaped as a piece of pie. Because I am not a mean person (and basically because this recipe is based on someone else's recipe, search for the user fitgirl.lau on instagram for the original one) I am sharing it with you guys! Get ready for deliciousness.

You will need:
- Half a banana (you can use the other half for the topping)
- 45 grams of oatmeal
- 50 ml of water
- 500 grams of quark
- 1 scoop of whey. This is mostly to make it more sweet and to give it some flavour, this probably can be replaced by some sugar or sugar replacement and something with flavour
- 3 sheets of gelatin
- Toppings

How to make it? Pre-heat the oven on 180 degrees. Mash half a banana and add 45 grams of oatmeal and 50 ml water. Mix this together, put it in a baking mold (I used one which was about 20 cm big) and bake in an oven for about 10 minutes. Now prepare the gelatin using the instructions on the package and mix this with the quark and whey. When the bottom part comes out of the oven you can place this mixture on top of it, add some toppings of your choice and put it in the fridge for a night or day. Trust me, you will never want another breakfast. I know I have been looking forward to breakfast tomorrow ever since breakfast today ended. 

Usually I eat about 150 grams of quark with 10 grams of oats and some toppings. I took 1/4th piece of this cheesecake for breakfast this morning, which means I had about 125 grams of quark, 11 grams of oats, 1/4th scoop of whey and 1/4th banana for breakfast. You see how little difference there is, while this breakfast feels like such a party? And the beauty is, you can make so many different variations! I used a banana whey and topped it with banana and forest fruits, but imagine the variations.. I know I can't wait to try them out! Please let me know if you baked them (in the comments, tag me on instagram with (iris2.0) or use the hashtag #iris2point0) and please, enjoy!


Friday, April 3, 2015


Hi there!

Welcome on my new, freshly started blog. As a first blog, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself by telling you guys 10 things I love that you might not know yet.

1. I love my little garden. In the Netherlands we got free seeds for fruits, veggies & herbs and I love taking care of them. I get so excited when they grow! Which leads to number 2...
2. I get overly excited by little things, like flowers or little things I bought or good weather. Or my plants that are growing. This usually comes with a lot of weird hand clapping and laughing and screaming.
3. I love my friends, family & boyfriend. They are my support system<3
4. I love cleaning up my room. I know this is one not a lot of you will get but I think there is nothing better than cleaning out my closet or room or redecorate it. It makes me so calm.
5. I love my workouts. There is nothing better than doing a workout, am I right?! I turned 22 last month and this year nothing is going to stop me to become a better version of myself (which is also why I am called Iris2.0, I want to be the next and better version of myself) and part of that is by working out a lot.
6. I love baking, and especially when I try out a new healthy recipe and it turns out so good. This is also what you will find on this blog mostly - recipes of healthy and delicious treats.
7. I love books. As a kid, I used to read so much it was insane. For the last years, I kind of lost touch with it because I had to read so much for my study. The last year I tried to pick it up again because I just love having a cup of tea while getting lost in another world.
8. I am addicted to tea. And water. Especially during days where I don't have to leave the house I drink liters of them. But if I leave the house you can bet on it that I have a bottle of water with me.
9. I love pictures. I always take too many pictures but I just it when you look at a picture later but still get the feeling you got when it happened<3
10. I love to get inspired! If you have a blog or instagram account, please let me know. I also love to inspire others so if you want take a look at my instagram, @iris2.0, and I hope I can inspire you <3

Have a beautiful eastern lovelies! Are you gonna do something fun? I am going out for brunching with one family and visiting the other one after - a big task to try to have some balance that day. The rest I will be spending studying because I have a testweek next week - boohoo, I know. But I won't let myself get down! That's why I decided to set up some goals for April, to not loose track of my wishes.

1. Doing the #BikiniBodyGuide by Sounds exciting!!
2. Do the Kayla Itsines workout every week (I  tend to want this but then after half a week giving up and wishing for the week after. Every single week).
3. Eating Healthy
4. Going for a walk every week while listening to an audio book. I got inspired by someone last week who said she always does this. It sounds so relaxing so I really really want to try it.
5. Do yoga at least 5 times a week. This is a must in my testweek, I need to take some time to relax and destress and get that stiff body moving on study days
6. Run at least 30 km in this month. It might not sound like much but like with the Kayla guide, I always plan to run 2 times a week and end up doing once or not even at all. This month I will run 30 km, which in my case means about 2 times a week. If I don't do that for a week, I only have myself because before May starts I need to have run 30 km!
7. Read at least 2 books and no, not study books. I need to take more time to relax with a cup of tea and a book.
8. Start playing guitar again. I have a beautiful, beautiful guitar in my room (a Big Baby Taylor) but I stopped trying to learn how the play the guitar. This month, after my exams, I want to start playing guitar again :)

I hope I didn't scare you guys away with this first blog! If you have any questions, feel free to comment or find me at instagram as iris2.0
